Recently you, have been accused of sexual harassment case where you are perplexed and do not know what to do. It is not easy to inquire or look into claims of potential harassment. It is indeed a very sensitive situation. The main motive of a harassment investigation is to develop a comprehensive report, along with factual proof. Hence, this is where a professional sexual harassment lawyer steps in. In today’s topic, Charlotte sexual harassment lawyer will help you identify six questions that you related to the sexual harassment investigation. So without taking much of your time, we will get straight to the topic below.
6 Questions to Ask in a Sexual Harassment Investigation that You Must Be Aware of
Q. 1 Who is responsible for the harassment?
Begin by asking who committed the harassment. Here, remember the 4Ws and 1H- who, what, when, where and how. Note down the date and time of the incident precisely. Furthermore, ask where did the incident occur?
Was it at the workplace or any specific area or place? Also, when did it occur, day or night? Were you touched? If yes, could you please elaborate on how he or she touched it? Were you ever in a relationship with that person?
Q.2 Ask for Record
Ask for a detailed description of the incident. Along with asking if the victim remembers some of the words, such as what he or she said that made him or her uncomfortable. How did you react when the situation occurred?
Q.3 Ask for Other Valid Information
Do not forget to inquire about any other valid information. Has the incident affected you in any way? Could you please provide how it has affected you? How often is harassment conducted? Is it still continuing?
Q.4 Has the Same Person Harassed anyone else too?
Is that same person who harassed you, harassed anyone else? Are you aware if anyone else also complained about the harassment by that same person?
Q.5 Ask what the person wants
Ask the person who faced sexual harassment how would he or she like to get the situation resolved.
Q.6 Was there any witness?
Is there any witness to the action or behavior? If so, could you please tell us their names, contact details, and address?
Wrapping Up!
Sexual harassment is an unwanted physical and vocal misconduct. It can take place in any place, workplace, school, or any type of organization or area. But while asking questions make sure to ask open-ended questions and follow 4Ws and 1H.