Knowing about half-life period of Trenbolone that you choose will be quite interesting. It will help you to obtain the benefits and also evaluate its side effects in the right way. Half-life of its various forms are different because of their molecular structure. Many body builders often prefer to choose Trenbolone for their muscle growth. By knowing the difference between two forms will thus help you to have better control in your progress.
Half-life period of trenbolone
You can get the information of the half-life of any varieties of trenbolone from its package. There are two most common varieties of trenbolone as follows:
- Trenbolone acetate
- Trenbolone enanthate
There are few others too, but they are rarely used by any body builders. They are generally meant for animal use. The molecular formula of trenbolone acetate is C20H24O3 and for trenbolone enanthate is C25H34O3. Trenbolone acetate is having half-life from 24 hours to 72 hours while for trenbolone enanthate it is anything between 6 to 10 days long.
Their potency is also responsible for any side effects in addition to half life period. If the half life period is longer, then the effect of the drug will continue to remain for longer time. Therefore, its side effects will also continue. Therefore, if there is any initial indication of side effects then one must not choose drug with longer half life period.
Studies About its working
In fact, no scientific studies have been done about this drug on humans. Most of the study results that are available is done on cattle, pigs and other such animals, which are generally sent to slaughter houses for regular consumption. Hardly any study has been made about the effect of half life on humans. However, in medical journals you can certainly find the details about its various side effects.
Why trenbolone is popular?
Trenbolone is used by many users, but it is also feared by many people because of its dangerous side effects. However, people who can get benefits of this drug is very prominent and particularly the athletes who are going to participate in any competitive sports love to use this drug for their benefits.
Gym goers also love this steroid, as it can produce results that is easily visible within much shorter period as compared to many other steroids available in the market. There is ttrenbolone, which is only meant for animal use and this should not be taken by humans.