Learning times tables will enable children to become proficient in solving mathematical problems easily. Multiplication tables are basically the list of multiples of numbers. It is essential for children to learn multiplication tables from an early age so that they are able to understand mathematical concepts quickly. To make it easy for children, you can provide them enough opportunities so that they can grasp the multiplication table effectively. Moreover, you can download printable tables for children available online in order to learn and practice.

To improve their grasping abilities, you can incorporate interesting activities that can help them in learning tables. Learning multiplication table 1-20 is extremely important for children. This will enable them to solve the problems accurately without taking much time. Most of the children might find it difficult to memorize the numbers with higher order in their little minds. In such cases, you must adapt creative and innovative strategies to teach multiplication tables for children.

Sometimes, monotonous activities might distract children or make them confused about what you are teaching. Therefore, you need to make sure that activities you include must be as per the needs and interest of children. This will help them in developing interest in learning mathematics with a lot of enthusiasm. Additionally, they get to know how important it is to learn the time table in solving mathematical problems. This will not only secure good academic grades but also enable them to solve simple problems in their day to day life.

Interesting Activities To Learn Multiplication Table

Learning the multiplication table helps kids in solving arithmetic problems effortlessly.  With this, kids can solve problems related to fraction, decimal, multiplication, division, etc. Most importantly, children will understand complex mathematical concepts efficiently. Some of the engaging activities to learn multiplication table are mentioned below:

  • Printable Multiplication Table: You can download printable multiplication tables available online for kids. With this, kids will be able to learn and practice tables at their own pace. They can recite them loudly so that they can understand what they are learning. Apart from this, they can practice writing tables using these printables.
  • Play Bingo: This is a fun activity for kids where they can concentrate on learning multiplication tables effortlessly. You can assign them a set of cards where the multiples of numbers are listed. Then, you have to call out numbers and ask them to circle the product number on their card. For example, if you say 4 x 2 then, kids have to circle the answer 8. The children who get the maximum number of correct answers will be awarded. With this, kids will learn multiplication tables while having fun.
  • Play Scavenger Hunt: Learning multiplication tables with the help of interesting activities will enable children to memorize numbers more quickly. Scavenger hunt is one of the fun games to teach children a multiplication table. In this game, you will hide a set of numbers where the children have to solve the problems in order to get the next clue. For example, you can ask what is 5 x 2 where kids have to solve and hunt for the correct answer i.e., 10. Once kids are able to hunt the number successfully, then they will get the next clue. The game will continue till you find the winner with the maximum number of correct answers.

Benefits of Learning Multiplication Table For Children

Learning multiplication tables will not only provide better academic results but make children more confident to learn something new. Before teaching tables up to 20, it is important to make sure that they are acquainted with the multiplication table 1-10. This will help them to learn more complex numbers over the period of time. Some of the advantages of learning multiplication table are as follows:

  • Develops good mathematical skills.
  • Enables children to solve problems more accurately.
  • Provides opportunities for children to learn and understand mathematical concepts easily.
  • Enables children to solve arithmetic and other complex mathematical problems with accuracy and speed.
  • Develops critical thinking and analytical skills.
  • Provides better learning outcomes for children.